
395 Matching Ratings

Rated Article

The Paris Review - The Crane Wife

The Paris Review

Rated 2023-04-14T05:13:19-0700 - cindy

The Painter Who Inspired a New Ballet

For Christopher Wheeldon’s return to New York City Ballet, he asked the artist Kylie Manning not just for backdrops and costumes but to, as he says, “form a dance within her world.”

2023-05-03T11:31:35-0700 The New York Times Ella Riley-Adams ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-05-05T18:42:33-0700 - cindy

The open source gift exchange

I love writing and sharing code as open source, but it's not an abstract act of pure altruism. The first recipients of these programming gifts are almost always myself and my company. It's an intentionally selfish drive first, then a broader benefit second. But, ironically, this is what's made my participation in the gift exchange of o...

world.hey.com 500 words

Rated 2024-10-10T15:07:24-0700 - sethherr

The Obvious Answer to Homelessness

#Homelessness #Housing

The Atlantic

Rated 2023-04-18T22:01:16-0700 - elll

The Nuclear Waste Disposal Dilemma

Nuclear waste disposal is one of the most problematic factors when discussing nuclear power. But why is it dangerous and how are countries dealing with it?

2022-09-11T17:00:51-0700 Earth.Org Martina Igini 1,000 words

Rated 2023-05-04T06:15:32-0700 - cindy

The night train revolution has been hailed as an alternative to airplanes. Here’s how that’s going

Night trains have been making a resurgence across Europe after decades of decline, raising the prospect of more sustainable ways of criss-crossing the continent as travelers look to find alternatives to flying.

2023-11-11T22:00:03-0800 CNN Ben Jones 2,000 words

Rated 2023-11-17T07:34:10-0800 - sethherr

The Man Who Killed Google Search

This is the story of how Google Search died, and the people responsible for killing it. The story begins on February 5th 2019, when Ben Gomes, Google’s head of search, had a problem. Jerry Dischler, then the VP and General Manager of Ads at Google, and Shiv Venkataraman, then the VP of Engineering, Search and Ads on Google properties, had called a “code yellow” for search revenue due to, and I quote, “steady weakness in the daily numbers” and a likeliness that it would end the quarter significa

2024-04-23T09:24:21-0700 Ed Zitron's Where's Your Ed At Edward Zitron 4,000 words

Rated 2024-04-24T13:01:31-0700 - sethherr

The Man Who Built Catan

The New Yorker

Rated 2023-04-09T07:33:50-0700 - Jaog

The Long Road to Public Transit Recovery

With Ridership Down 30+%, Agencies Must Adapt or Risk Collapse #Economy #Politics

2023-06-29T15:00:00-0700 Statecraft by Arman Madani Arman Madani 1,000 words

Rated 2023-06-29T17:51:59-0700 - elll

The Instant Pot Failed Because It Was a Good Product

A one-hit wonder is never enough. #United States

2023-06-14T15:30:00-0700 The Atlantic Amanda Mull ($) 1,000 words

Rated 2023-06-16T22:21:09-0700 - sethherr

The Inside Story of How the Navy Spent Billions on the “Little Crappy Ship”

Littoral combat ships were supposed to launch the Navy into the future. Instead they broke down across the globe and many of their weapons never worked. Now the Navy is getting rid of them. One is less than five years old.

2023-09-07T03:00:00-0700 ProPublica Joaquin Sapien 10,000 words

Rated 2023-09-14T07:40:35-0700 - sethherr

The impact of free-ranging domestic cats on wildlife of the United States | Nature Communications


Rated 2023-04-11T03:06:42-0700 - sethherr

The Housing Crisis Is Breaking People’s Brains

#Homelessness #Housing

The Atlantic

Rated 2023-04-19T08:43:47-0700 - elll

The hidden force that shapes everything around us: Parking

A Q&A with Henry Grabar, author of “Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World.” #Politics #Transportation #Urban Planning

2023-05-09T04:30:00-0700 Vox Marin Cogan 3,000 words

Rated 2023-07-17T14:20:48-0700 - sethherr Rated 2023-07-19T14:21:48-0700 - elll

The heat is making squirrels 'sploot' — a goofy act that signals something serious

As climate change is making extreme heat events more common, these bright-eyed and bushy-tailed critters are "splooting" to cope.

2023-06-29T12:49:22-0700 NPR Kai McNamee 1,000 words

Rated 2023-07-06T17:22:38-0700 - sethherr

The Great Cash-for-Carbon Hustle

Offsetting is hailed as a fix for climate catastrophe—but the world’s biggest carbon firm, South Pole, sold millions of worthless credits to Gucci, Porsche, Nestlé, and many others. Heidi Blake reports.

2023-10-16T03:00:00-0700 The New Yorker Heidi Blake 10,000 words

Rated 2023-10-25T06:33:15-0700 - sethherr

The Great Awokening of Higher Ed Has Ended—But Is It Too Late?

Growing numbers of Americans prefer sticks over carrots to move colleges and universities towards reform—a crisis we in academia largely brought upon ourselves

2023-06-21T05:15:58-0700 The Liberal Patriot Musa al-Gharbi 2,000 words

Rated 2023-10-12T18:23:38-0700 - sethherr

The Future of Search Is Boutique


Rated 2023-04-20T15:28:40-0700 - sethherr

The Future of Open Source

A GitHub founder's musings on the past, present and future of large groups of people collaborating on software in awesome ways. #Essay

2024-08-06T12:23:17-0700 GitButler Scott Chacon 3,000 words

Rated 2024-09-11T15:06:17-0700 - sethherr

The Fight for the Right to Trespass

A group of English activists want to legally enshrine the “right to roam” — and spread the idea that nature is a common good. #England

2023-07-26T02:01:02-0700 The New York Times Brooke Jarvis ($) 7,000 words

Rated 2023-07-27T18:34:05-0700 - sethherr

The Fight for Queer Nightlife in an Era of Political Violence

Amid rampant anti-trans legislation and attacks on LGBTQ+ communities, venue owners and performers are protecting the sanctity of their spaces—and their lives. #LGBTQ+

2023-06-13T07:56:27-0700 Pitchfork Isabelia Herrera 3,000 words

Rated 2023-06-19T23:54:44-0700 - sethherr

The FCC Is Trying To Stop Discrimination In Broadband Deployment. Telecoms And Republicans Are Big Mad About It

For decades, big ISPs like AT&T have refused to upgrade low income and poor communities to fiber, despite billions in subsidies, regulatory favors, and tax breaks that were supposed to accomplish precisely that. Groups like the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) have released studies on cities like Cleveland and Detroit, documenting how this discrimination lines…

2023-11-17T05:24:01-0800 Techdirt 3,000 words

Rated 2023-11-17T07:37:44-0800 - sethherr

The Engineer/Manager Pendulum

Lately I've been doing some career counseling for people off Twitter (long story). The central drama for many people goes something like this: “I'm a senior engineer, but I'm thinking about being a manager. I really like engineering, but I feel like I'm just solving the same problems over and over and it seems like the real…

2017-05-11T10:20:12-0700 charity.wtf 2,000 words

Rated 2023-07-05T07:26:40-0700 - sethherr

The Early Christian Strategy


2024-11-14T05:57:42-0800 astralcodexten.com Scott Alexander 60,000 words

Rated 2024-11-18T17:49:06-0800 - sethherr

The Dictator Myth That Refuses to Die

Authoritarians would have you think that they can do certain things better than their counterparts who have to deal with checks, balances, and public opinion. Don’t believe it. #United States

2023-07-26T07:00:00-0700 The Atlantic Brian Klaas ($) 200 words

Rated 2023-07-27T09:41:52-0700 - elll Rated 2023-07-27T09:43:13-0700 - sethherr

The Constitution isn’t the obstacle to D.C. statehood.

#DC Statehood


Rated 2023-03-29T17:20:44-0700 - cindy Rated 2023-03-29T17:18:08-0700 - alexandradancing

The Commission for Stopping Further Improvements

The Roots of Progress

Rated 2023-04-21T16:42:40-0700 - sethherr

The Coming Enshittification of Public Libraries

Global investment vampires have positioned themselves to suck our libraries dry #Libraries #Private equity

2023-07-26T10:00:23-0700 Nine Lives Karawynn Long 4,000 words

Rated 2023-08-04T08:09:18-0700 - sethherr

The Christian Science Monitor Daily for January 4, 2024

Rethink the news: Reducing news to hard lines and side-taking leaves a lot of the story untold. Progress comes from challenging what we hear and considering different views.

2024-01-03T21:00:00-0800 The Christian Science Monitor ($) 5,000 words

Rated 2024-01-05T13:14:00-0800 - sethherr

The Big Potential of Karen Bass’s Homelessness Agenda


The New Yorker

Rated 2023-04-14T04:53:07-0700 - cindy

The big business campaign that has shaped 40 years of Republican rhetoric

The Washington Post

Rated 2023-04-23T10:01:44-0700 - cindy

The Biden Administration Will Pay Farmers More Money Not to Farm

The goal is to add 4 million acres of farmland to the Conservation Reserve Program, which takes land out of production to blunt agriculture’s environmental impact.

2021-05-01T00:00:00-0700 Governing 1,000 words

Rated 2023-05-12T20:18:53-0700 - cindy

The Battle for the Soul of Buy Nothing


Rated 2023-04-27T05:48:45-0700 - cindy

The babies who nap in sub-zero temperatures

Would you put your baby or toddler outside in the freezing cold for their lunchtime nap? Many Nordic parents wouldn't give it a second thought.

2013-02-21T07:04:58-0800 BBC News By Helena Lee 1,000 words

Rated 2023-09-21T08:03:03-0700 - sethherr

The Art of Taking It Slow

Anna Wiener interviews Grant Petersen, the owner of Rivendell Bicycle Works, who has amassed an ardent following by urging people to abandon the spandex and personal bests, get a comfortable bike, and go easy.

2024-09-16T03:00:00-0700 The New Yorker Anna Wiener 5,000 words

Rated 2024-09-23T22:38:03-0700 - sethherr

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

In the race to net-zero carbon emissions, should nations rely on nuclear power or should they make space for more fossil fuels and renewable energy?

2023-01-27T17:00:29-0800 Earth.Org Martina Igini 2,000 words

Rated 2023-05-04T09:34:21-0700 - cindy

TBM 271: The Biggest Untapped Opportunity

The biggest source of waste is not low performers or having too many employees. The biggest source of waste is untapped skilled pragmatists. The number of skilled pragmatists in any given company is much larger than people realize and, therefore, represents a HUGE opportunity. But almost by definition, they are less visible.

2024-02-04T13:34:57-0800 The Beautiful Mess John Cutler 1,000 words

Rated 2024-04-17T18:29:55-0700 - sethherr

Taste games

or why I avoid midrange beer

2024-02-15T09:01:14-0800 Dynomight Internet Newsletter dynomight 3,000 words

Rated 2024-02-15T20:46:06-0800 - sethherr

Taco Bell’s Innovation Kitchen, the Front Line in the Stunt-Food Wars

Antonia Hitchens writes about how the chain outdid Burger King’s Bacon Sundae, Pizza Hut’s hot-dog-stuffed crust, and KFC’s fried-chicken-flavored nail polish.

2023-04-17T03:00:00-0700 The New Yorker Antonia Hitchens 5,000 words

Rated 2023-05-12T22:14:26-0700 - sethherr

SVB Chief Pressed Lawmakers To Weaken Bank Risk Regs


Rated 2023-03-11T07:38:49-0800 - sethherr

Suspicious data pattern in recent Venezuelan election | Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science


Rated 2024-08-05T15:27:48-0700 - sethherr

Surprising things happen when you put 25 AI agents together in an RPG town

Ars Technica

Rated 2023-04-11T21:59:43-0700 - Jaog

Summer Camp and Parenting Panics

Jay Caspian Kang on summer camps’ promises of social improvement, and the reason that upper-middle-class families can’t conceive of an unscheduled moment. #Parenting

2024-05-24T03:00:00-0700 The New Yorker Jay Caspian Kang 1,000 words

Rated 2024-07-20T12:55:22-0700 - sethherr

Student loan forgiveness: Where does empathy fit in?

#Student Loan Forgiveness

The Christian Science Monitor

Rated 2023-03-30T07:57:23-0700 - cindy

Stop Wasting Money on Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags

If you scoop your dog’s poop using an "eco-friendly" bag, stop. There are far better ways to deal with your dog's poo.

2023-05-17T05:08:03-0700 Outside Online Kristin Hostetter 2,000 words

Rated 2024-05-07T08:24:17-0700 - sethherr

Staying Awake, by Ursula K. Le Guin

Notes on the alleged decline of reading #United States

2008-01-31T16:00:21-0800 Harper's Magazine 200 words

Rated 2024-09-15T17:24:07-0700 - sethherr



Rated 2023-03-19T09:06:59-0700 - ScottSchoenwaelder