
4 Matching Ratings

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Scientists Like Me Knew There Was Something Amiss With Andrew Huberman’s Wildly Popular Podcast

He recommends supplements. He’s iffy on the flu shot. And more. #Health Care #Science

2024-03-27T12:53:32-0700 Slate Andrea Love 3,000 words

Rated 2024-05-14T08:29:22-0700 - sethherr

Vaclav Smil and the Value of Doubt

David Owen interviews the author and scientist Vaclav Smil, whose books on environmental issues include “Size: How It Explains the World” and “How the World Really Works.” #Climate Change #Environmentalism #Renewable energy #Science

2024-02-20T03:00:00-0800 The New Yorker David Owen 4,000 words

Rated 2024-03-19T22:44:49-0700 - sethherr

Laundry Pods Are Bad. Laundry Sheets Aren’t Any Better.

Laundry and dishwasher pods are encased in toxic plastic. Save money and go easier on the planet with these sustainable laundry tips. #Sustainability

2023-06-14T04:42:18-0700 Outside Online Kristin Hostetter 2,000 words

Rated 2023-06-14T05:56:23-0700 - sethherr