I kind of like rebasingPeople tend to get pretty passionate about Git workflows on different online forums. Some like to rebase, while others prefer to keep the disorganized records. Some dislike the extra merge commit, while others love to preserve all the historical artifacts. There’s merit to both sides of the discussion. That being said, I kind of like rebasing because I’m a messy committer who: Usually doesn’t care for keeping atomic commits1. Creates a lot of short commits with messages like “fix” or... 2024-06-17T17:00:00-0700 Redowan's Reflections Redowan Delowar 2,000 words Rated 2024-09-24T13:59:17-0700 - sethherr Rated 2024-09-23T17:25:37-0700 - &e |
San Francisco’s new housing pitch: Hot Friend CompoundsThe “live near friends” movement has leveled up. A housing startup is rolling out a new one-stop shop to find and buy a place with friends. #Housing 2024-09-22T06:00:00-0700 The San Francisco Standard Zara Stone 2,000 words Rated 2024-09-24T13:57:46-0700 - sethherr |
The Art of Taking It SlowAnna Wiener interviews Grant Petersen, the owner of Rivendell Bicycle Works, who has amassed an ardent following by urging people to abandon the spandex and personal bests, get a comfortable bike, and go easy. 2024-09-16T03:00:00-0700 The New Yorker Anna Wiener 5,000 words Rated 2024-09-23T22:38:03-0700 - sethherr |
What We're Getting Wrong About Ethical EatingWhen it comes to ethical eating, the journey is not as simple as "eat more plants." We have to think about the whole system and our place in it. 2020-01-07T06:17:43-0800 Greatist Leigh Huggins 2,000 words Rated 2024-09-23T17:19:29-0700 - &e Rated 2024-09-12T21:12:18-0700 - sethherr |