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The Mythical IO-Bound Rails AppWhen the topic of Rails performance comes up, it is commonplace to hear that the database is the bottleneck, so Rails applications are IO-bound anyway, hence Ruby performance doesn’t matter that much, and all you need is a healthy dose of concurrency to make your service scale. But how true is this in general? 2025-01-23T02:17:51-0800 byroot’s blog 2,000 words Rated 2025-01-26T06:42:15-0800 |
Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 4In the previous post, we established that as long as ruby/json wasn’t competitive on micro-benchmarks, public perception wouldn’t change. Since what made ruby/json appear so bad on micro-benchmarks was its setup cost, we had to find ways to reduce it further. 2024-12-29T10:21:51-0800 byroot’s blog 4,000 words Rated 2025-01-03T09:11:08-0800 |
Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 2In the previous post, I covered my motivations for improving ruby/json’s performance, and detailed the first 4 notable optimizations applied to speed up JSON generation. 2024-12-18T08:05:51-0800 byroot’s blog 3,000 words Rated 2024-12-18T19:12:01-0800 |
Optimizing Ruby’s JSON, Part 1I was recently made maintainer of the json gem, and aside from fixing some old bugs, I focused quite a bit on its performance, so that it is now the fastest JSON parser and generator for Ruby on most benchmarks. 2024-12-15T11:19:51-0800 byroot’s blog 3,000 words Rated 2024-12-18T19:04:49-0800 |