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“Founder Mode” and the Art of MythmakingI’ve never been good at “hot takes”. Anyone who knows anything about marketing can tell you that the best time to share your opinion about something is when everyone is all worked up about it. Hot topics drive clicks and eyeballs and attention en masse. Unfortunately, my internal combustion engine doesn’t run that way. If… 2024-12-17T09:53:35-0800 charity.wtf 9,000 words Rated 2025-01-29T12:39:41-0800 |
The Engineer/Manager PendulumLately I've been doing some career counseling for people off Twitter (long story). The central drama for many people goes something like this: “I'm a senior engineer, but I'm thinking about being a manager. I really like engineering, but I feel like I'm just solving the same problems over and over and it seems like the real… 2017-05-11T10:20:12-0700 charity.wtf 2,000 words Rated 2023-07-05T07:26:40-0700 |